The General Data Protection Regulation, known by the abbreviation of GDPR, is an ambitious text which mainly aims to modify, at the base, the devices relating to data protection in France and throughout Europe. What is it exactly? When is it first applied? Who is it addressing ? We invite you to discover in this article the essentials to know about the GDPR.

The origin of the GDPR

First and foremost, the GDPR refers to the new European text which mainly concerns the processing, exchange and circulation of data. More specifically, it aims to protect personal data with which SMEs, startups or large multinational firms rely to sell products, to offer services to all consumers. However, the implementation of this device in all the countries of Europe took place in two stages. First, April 14, 2016, a moment which corresponds to the final adoption of the device by the European Parliament. Then comes the moment of its official promulgation on April 27, 2016. However, it was not until two years later for its implementation. Thus, the entry into force of the GDPR was set for May 25, 2018. Who is affected by the GDPR?.

Who is affected by the GDPR?

Following the entry into force of the GDPR, all companies that support the processing of personal digital data are obliged to comply. As a reminder, personal data is any information that identifies an individual. These include their name, physical address, IP address, date of birth, etc. That said, very small businesses, startups, SMEs, all companies are affected by the GDPR when they have to store these various personal data. However, it should be noted that this device excludes the various platforms which rely entirely on big data. These include social networks like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, etc..

The challenges of the GDPR for Internet users

For internet users, the entry into force of the GDPR provides them with a certain amount of security and protection. In fact, as part of the implementation of the system, companies are for example obliged to obtain prior consent duly written, or even signed by the Internet user, before starting to process personal data. In case of concern,in case of where companies fail to meet their obligations, Internet users can enjoy some defense or help from a group of people, an association, etc.