Product management techniques are used by institutions in order to improve the quality of their services, but especially to manage all the data produced. The PIM or “la gestion des informations produit” which is the extension of GIP for example is an efficient software for this task.

What is the PIM system?

To promote a new product or service, a company must adopt effective and reliable marketing techniques. The PIM or “la gestion des informations produit” in French, generally focuses on the technique of product information management. It is involved in the administration of all data concerning a product to be sold in an organization. Moreover, all this data often comes from several different sources. In order to synchronize them, the PIM, which is the abbreviation for Product Information Management, gathers this information in one place. From there, the PIM software package could quickly distribute compliant data across multiple distribution channels. The success of this maneuver depends on the company's PIM / MDM / DAM software.

What is the purpose of a PIM?

When a company produces and supplies several products, it needs an adequate system to manage all the information related to each of these items. These elements can be of technical, commercial and marketing characteristics. Data of marketing type, that is, everything that concerns the system to be operated for its sale, namely the argumentation, its description, etc. As well as the commercial character as the QR code or bar code, its unit price HT or TTC is used. However, it is not only a matter of organizing them in a file. It is also necessary to verify this data, to share and update the information in these files. The PIM, just like product information management, offers a more convenient handling of this information by centralizing it in a single database.

Benefits of PIM for businesses

The use of PIM can bring great benefits to an organization's revenue and sales rate. By assembling the information in a single database, the PIM system allows for automatic content changes. And afterwards, they can check them. This guarantees the security of the normality of the productions. Therefore, with the PIM, the company has the possibility to take total control over their products, as well as the data related to them. From this, the quality of the product by category could be evaluated in order to always keep a good reputation of the company.